A new year and still working from home?


2022 has started slightly differently to what many of us would have hoped.


The excitement and anticipation of returning to the office for many has been squashed by Omicron. This delay however, doesn’t mean you need to be sitting and working from home with inadequate equipment or a set up that may be causing discomfort.


It’s time to invest in your health and ensure you are sitting in a good ergonomic position that isn’t going to contribute to long term issues such as neck pain and back pain.


There are 2 main things to consider when your staff are working from home – do they know how they should be sitting, how frequently should we be getting up from our workstations and what equipment is being used?


Ergoworks has been supporting our clients for the last 19 years with working from home by providing Virtual Ergonomic Assessments.



Our virtual brief home assessments are a great way to quickly check if you are set up correctly and to improve your ergonomic set up at home. We discuss any injuries or discomforts you may have from working at your desk. Our experienced physiotherapists understand different injuries and can help assess if your home desk set up is a contributing factor to your pain.


At the end of the assessment, you will understand how to appropriately adjust the height and positioning of your chair, monitor, laptop, keyboard, mouse, and any other desk items you use for work.



Do you have lots of work equipment and not sure on how to best position them on the desk? We can advise you on where to best position items on the desk specifically for you and your work needs.


Do you need equipment but are not sure where to look or what to look for? Through ErgoEquip our consultants can recommend quality equipment specifically tailored for you to improve your home office set up, saving you time and hassle of browsing online for hours.


If you would like to find out more information on how to book an assessment, please contact our friendly team of health professionals at Ergoworks.

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Ergonomic Solution Providers

Ergoworks Physiotherepy - Physio Clinic Sydney CBD

The Strategic Approach to Preventing and Managing Work Related Injuries, Sickness and Absenteeism.

ErgoEquip - Ergonomically Designed Workstation Equipment

Empowering your Business with the Expert Knowledge of Modern Day Devices and Ergonomic Solutions.

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