The concept of onsite physiotherapy has been embraced globally by many organisations, particularly in countries such as the UK and USA. Work health and safety, injury management, and human resources personnel recognise the value of early intervention and prevention of injuries in the workplace.
Onsite physiotherapy is a strategic approach towards managing work related injuries and preventing sickness and absenteeism. Job related injuries are preventable, and having an easily accessible physiotherapist onsite means that we can identify and treat these injuries during the early stages of their development.
Benefits of Onsite Physiotherapy
- Reduces productivity loss and absenteeism as a result of treatment off site.
- Easy access to treatment leads to early reporting and intervention, and ultimately reduced lost time due to injury.
- Enhanced safety culture onsite.
- The ability to observe the worker in their work environment helps our physiotherapists to better understand their role and facilitates their return to
full duties. - Being onsite encourages better communication with easy access to managers and supervisors.
- Having access to workplace statistics from our treatment helps you to better understand where your injuries are occuring.
- You can have confidence your staff are receiving best practice care for an optimal recovery.
Ergoworks Consulting currently provides onsite physiotherapy to various companies across a wide variety of industry sectors across Australia. Contact us for more info